Evaluations (NCOER/OER)

  • "We don't have a good way to track OER and NCOER evaluations in our state."
  • "AKO MyForms doesn't give us any State level visibility of where we stand oncompleting evaluations within our state."

TwinEngines Evaluations software provides comprehensive, web-based automation of the officer evaluation report (OER) and the non-commissioned officer evaluation report (NCOER) process. The software lets State Headquarters manage the process from the top down and units manage the process from the bottom up.

The Evaluations software lets you better plan and mange rating schemes. It provides a state-level view of all rating schemes, including totals and percentages completed. As a soldier's rating period ends, the system automatically generates the online OER or NCOER form. When you sign in to the Evaluations system, you instantly see the evaluations assigned to you and the status of each one. This information is also available to authorized unit personnel-throughout the chain of command-and all the way up to the State Headquarters, keeping everyone informed as to where they stand in completing evaluation forms.

Why should you use TwinEngines Evaluation software instead of AKO MyForms, which is free and accessible to your Guard personnel today? AKO MyForms provides the capabilities for you to create evaluations and track them, but only if you are in the rating scheme on the evaluation. It does not provide the following functionality that the TwinEngines system does, including:

  • Online rating scheme management
  • State level tracking capabilities
  • Automatic generation of OER/NCOER shells when the evaluation period has passed
  • Gap analysis to track when there are gaps in evaluation periods for soldiers



  • Integration with SIDPERS
    • Uses the End of Evaluation date to determine when the next evaluation is due
    • Uses the current soldier information to populate the OER/NCOER
    • Updates the End of Evaluation date in SIDPERS with the EERF transaction when evaluations are accepted
    • Includes organization structure for tracking of evaluations by command


Also, the TwinEngines Evaluations software uses the same PureEdge forms as AKO, which allow for the electronic signature using a DA CAC card. These forms can be electronically submitted to NGB.



Request Evaluation Key

TWINENGINES can help track evaluations in your state.


  • Creates and routes online forms:
    • DA67-9
    • DA67-9-1
    • DA67-9-1a
    • DA2166-8
    • DA2166-8-1
  • Online rating scheme management
  • Creates automatic evaluations at the end of rating periods
  • Offers workflow management
    • Tracks evaluations by status (waiting on rater, senior rater, etc.)
    • Routes evaluations through rating chain
    • Provides command level review and approval
  • Completion statistics reports
    • Stats by organization
    • Rating scheme completion
    • Evaluation Statuses
    • Overdue
    • Drill down capabilities
  • Integrates with SIDPERS
    • End of Evaluation date triggers process
    • Populates personnel data from SIDPERS on forms
    • Updates SIDPERS with EERF transaction
    • Uses organizational structure for security and reporting
  • Provides electronic signatures
  • Finds gaps in evaluation periods

Additional Information and Free Evaluation Key

(859) 536-2540


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Evaluation Key Request